Sunday, March 04, 2007

Holi Hai...

Today I enjoyed a lot like dance, meet to friends and eat so much that I must spend few more hours extra at gym. It was really a good fun time.

The worst part was I drunk 8 pegs or so, usually i don't take so much alcohol but it happened because of my friend Manav who was ready to drink few more after hitting the car thrice on a straight road, we both could be in serious trouble today but people were roaming very consciously and I returned back safely at home.

Father was shouting like he does on every Holi. "WHERE WERE YOU?", "WHY ARE YOU SO LATE?" etc etc. Then I forgot everything wine, friends, sweets and driving by a drunker. Today I was thinking that at Noida I was happy at least two time meal didn't cost me this much, nobody was asked me what i did on each and every moment.

Holi, vineet kumar,  naveenHoli, vineet, naveen

1 comment:

Unknown said...

waw !! here i see the indian Holi at roorkee .

when i see ur holi then i realize that i was not the part of holi but reallly u r .....

so u gyes r really enjoyed tooo mchhh its wondering......

Anil Shrivastava......